How to Save a Relationship That is Falling Apart in 7 Easy Ways

Last updated on February 10th, 2025

It’s no secret that relationships can be tough. You’re constantly having to communicate, compromise, and make an effort to keep things fresh.

However, one thing that is often overlooked is the power of positivity. This can help fix a relationship.

If your relationship is falling apart, just a few simple changes can make a world of difference in making your relationship work.

Fix A Relationship with Positivity

Here are seven easy ways to save your relationship with positivity:

1. Make an effort to see the good in your partner, even during difficult times.

It’s easy to be positive when things are going well in your relationship. But what about when things are tough?

Making an effort to see the good in your partner during difficult times can help you get through them together.

Here are a few ways to bring back your loving relationship:

  • Try to find humor in tough situations. Laughter can help lighten the mood and bring you closer together. Laughter creates a way to fix your relationship.
  • Focus on your partner’s positive qualities. What do you love about them? Reminding yourself of why you’re with them can help you weather any storm.
  • Think about how your partner is feeling. They may be feeling just as frustrated or upset as you are.
  • Putting yourself in their shoes can help you empathize with them and find a way to work through the problem together.

2. Find ways to show your appreciation for them, both big and small.

It can be easy to forget how much our partner does for us on a day-to-day basis. We get used to them cooking dinner, taking out the trash, or doing the grocery shopping.

But just because we’re used to it, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t show our appreciation for all they do.

Here are a few small ways you can show your partner how much you appreciate them:

Compliment them often. Whether it’s about their physical appearance or something they did that made your day easier, let them know that you notice and appreciate all they do.

Make time for them. Even if it’s just 10 minutes before bed to chat or cuddle, make sure they know that they are a priority in your life and that you value their company.

Do something special for them without being asked. It doesn’t have to be extravagant or expensive. It can be as simple as bringing them a coffee in the morning or putting a love note on their car.

Bring home a small gift for them when you get home from work or an errand.

Tell them you love them. Let them know that they are your world and you’d do anything for them.

Create a fun date night at home. Don’t have time to go out? No problem. Grab a bottle of wine and cook together, or watch a movie in bed. Watch them as they walk into the room. Look at their face, notice their smile, and listen to their voice.

3. Have a Long Talk and Be a Good Listener

It doesn’t have to be deep or serious. Just talk about something that you’ve been wanting to discuss for awhile.

Put their needs above your own. If they are tired, let them go to bed early so they can get a good night’s sleep.

It’s inevitable that we all have bad days. But when those bad days coincide with seeing the people we love, it can make for a really lousy time for them.

Here are four easy ways to avoid giving your loved ones the worst day ever, courtesy of your more positive attitude.

4. Create a Safe Word

Use this to call your partner out when they’re heading off into negativity and invite them to do the same with you.

Create a buzzword, something that means something only to the two of you, with the rule that once it’s said, the other person must list one good thing in their life

For many people, negativity is something that they struggle with on a daily basis. If you find yourself repeatedly heading down the wrong path, it may be time to create a safe word with your partner.

This will help to call them out when they’re headed off into negativity and bring them back to the present moment.

Negativity can be contagious, so it’s important to nip it in the bud as soon as possible. A safe word can be anything that you and your partner agree upon.

It should be something that’s easy to remember and say in the moment. Once you have a safe word in place, make sure to use it when necessary.

If your partner is caught up in negativity, they may not even realize it. By using a safe word, you can help break the cycle and bring some positivity back into the relationship.

5. Practice Affirmation

If you don’t love yourself, it’s hard to expect anyone else to. But that doesn’t mean you’re not deserving of good things.

You can still have a great and healthy relationship with yourself and others, even when you’re feeling less than loveable.

One way to do this is by practising affirmations. Even if you don’t believe them at first, keep saying them until they start to sink in.

Remind yourself that you are worthy of love and respect. that you are capable of amazing things. That you are strong and resilient.

Saying these things out loud, or even just in your head, can help to shift your mindset and make you feel more positive about yourself.

And when you feel better about yourself, it’s easier to be positive towards others as well.

6. Taking Time Out

If you find yourself feeling negatively towards your partner, it may be time to take a step back and give yourself a break.

It’s important to remember that relationships are not always easy. There will be times when you argue or don’t see eye to eye. That’s normal! What’s important is how you handle those tough moments.

If you find yourself getting too wrapped up in the negative, try taking some time for yourself. Go for a walk, read your favorite book, or just take some time to relax and de-stress.

It can be difficult to keep a positive outlook when you’re feeling overwhelmed, but taking some time for yourself can help reset your mind and refocus on the good in your relationship.

7. Keeping a Journal

It’s easy to get bogged down in negative thinking, especially when things aren’t going well in our lives.

One way to combat this is to keep a journal and write about the problem that’s bothering you. This can help us work through our feelings and figure out a solution.

Writing about our problems can also help us see them in a different light.

Sometimes, when we’re feeling stressed, it can be helpful to step back and look at the situation objectively.

This can help us to find a new perspective and come up with a plan of action.

Keeping a journal is a great way to boost our relationship with positivity.

It can help us to work through our problems and find solutions, as well as give us a new perspective on difficult situations.

How to Create Intimacy in Relationship

It can be easy to forget that your significant other is also your partner. After all, life gets busy, and it’s easy to get caught up in your own stuff.

But taking the time to remember that you’re in this together can make a big difference in your relationship.

Here are ways to create intimacy and maintain a positive relationship:

  • Communicate openly and honestly with each other. This means sharing both the good and the bad. It can be easy to only focus on the positive, but it’s important to remember that relationships are built on trust and communication.
  • Don’t try to change your partner. You have to accept each other as you are, flaws and all. Try to figure out what makes each other special, what their strengths and weaknesses are, and how to work around them. You can try to get to know them better and grow as a group.
  • Spend time doing things together that you both enjoy. This could be anything from going for walks to watching movies. The key is to find activities that bring you both joy and make time for them regularly. Go on small adventures, trips, surprise plans, or start new hobbies with your partner. Trying new things will help you and your partner fall in love again.
  • Be supportive of each other. This does not mean that you have to agree with everything that’s happening in your partner’s life, but it does mean that you should be there for them when they are struggling.
  • Be kind and compassionate toward one another. You may not always agree, but you can still be nice. Be open to hearing and understanding your partner’s feelings. Even if you don’t agree with them, try to listen to and understand their perspective.
  • Show Affection. People often forget to show affection, such as by holding hands, giving a warm hug, or kissing someone on the cheek. It’s important to show your partner how much you care and how close you are by doing things that show your love.
  • Take responsibility for your actions. If you do something wrong, you should take full responsibility for it. Don’t try to blame your partner or explain why you did something wrong, and don’t hate yourself either.
  • Learn to let go. Learn to forgive and let go of the past. You’ll both make mistakes in the relationship, but it’s important to deal with your deeper problems. This will help keep you both from getting angry and confused.
  • Don’t argue to win: When you disagree with your partner, don’t make it your goal to win. Don’t lose respect for each other because of these kinds of fights. If your partner thinks they lost, it can only make them more angry and resentful.

Final Thoughts: Ways to Save Your Relationship From Falling Apart.

If you find yourself in a relationship that is falling apart, it can feel like the end of the world. But there is hope! With a little work, you can save your relationship and get back on track.

There are some things you can do to try and save it

1. Talk to your partner. It’s important to communicate with each other and express what you’re feeling. If you’re feeling disconnected or unhappy, tell your partner. By opening up, you can begin to work through the issues together.

2. Spend time together. When we’re busy, it’s easy to let our relationships fall by the wayside. But making time for each other is crucial for keeping the spark alive. Go on dates, take walks together, or just spend time talking and being present with one another.

3. Be willing to compromise. In any relationship, there has to be give and take. If both partners are not willing to budge on their beliefs, then the relationship will continue to crumble.

4. Communicate openly and honestly. One of the main reasons why relationships fail is because of a lack of communication.

Seek professional help if you need it. You can go for couples therapy.

With effort and patience, you can make your relationship strong again.

Chinyelu Karibi-Whyte
About Chinyelu Karibi-Whyte

Chinyelu Karibi-Whyte, the founder of Pheel Pretty, is a dynamic cybersecurity specialist and a passionate advocate for personal growth and resilience. As an empowerment advocate, she combines her tech expertise with her deep commitment to building self-esteem, confidence and a positive mindset. Chinyelu's unique perspective, shaped by her professional background and personal journey, including being a mother, enriches her approach to empowering others. You can follow her on

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