How to Overcome Inferiority Complex: 16 Actionable Steps

Last updated on January 21st, 2025

How to overcome inferiority complex

How to overcome inferiority complex : A blog post about how to overcome the feeling of inferiority that arises from the pressures of society.

“Inferiority complex” is a general term that refers to a feeling of inadequacy or low self-esteem.

Everyone, to some extent, has feelings of self-doubt and inferiority from time to time.

However, those who feel that their looks are not good enough need to know that in many cases, their appearance will not be their downfall.

There are many ways to overcome this feeling of inferiority, and the tips in this blog will provide some great ideas for success.

What is Inferiority Complex

Inferiority complex is a term used in psychology to describe an intense feeling of inadequacy.

The influential psychoanalyst Alfred Adler first used the term in 1907 to describe the common experience of people lacking the drive to pursue their own self-interest and realize their own potential.

He says it may be caused by childhood experiences (like being constantly compared unfavorably to a sibling), physical and mental limitations, or exposure to low-status social situations (like being treated poorly by peers).

Instead of using the term, most psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health professionals now use the term “low self-esteem” to describe it.

It’s normal to feel inferior from time to time, but for some people, these feelings are so intense and constant that they interfere with daily life.

If you have an inferiority complex, you might feel like you’re not good enough, smart enough, or attractive enough. You might avoid social situations or put yourself down all the time.

How does an inferiority complex occur?

An inferiority complex occurs when someone believes that they are not as good as other people and that they are not worthy of the same things that other people have.

It is a feeling of being inferior in comparison to other people. This is a common phenomenon in children because they often compare themselves to their friends and siblings.

It can also occur when a person starts to feel inadequate or unappreciated at work or school. This can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety.

The reasons someone may feel this way vary, but it is generally because they feel that they are not good enough.

This can happen to anyone, but it is more common in people who have previously been rejected or mistreated.

It is important to remember that everyone has their own story and that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to why someone may feel inferior.

Signs of Inferiority Complex

1. Experiencing depression and anxiety

2. Anxiety that can lead to disruptions in daily routines like eating and sleeping

3. Strange or excessive attachment

4. Extreme insecurities

5. Feeling of not being good enough

6. Being too self-conscious and hard on oneself

7. Withdrawal from others or avoiding social situations

8. Feeling worthless, hopeless, and ashamed

9. Isolation from people and loss of interest in the things they used to enjoy. In fact, social anxiety disorder is a possible complication of an inferiority complex

10. Suicidal thoughts 

11. Making comparison with other people

12. Easily wanting to give up

13. Thinking of the worst

Not being able to finish tasks

14. Unable to reach goals or feeling of being “stuck”

15. Doesn’t take compliments seriously

16. Aggression when feeling disrespected

17. Being excessively receptive to other people’s needs; being too accommodating to others.

18. Passive in romantic relationships

19. Failure to meet obligations

Here are some more signs that a person has an inferiority complex, even though they might seem like signs of being overconfident:

20. Being a perfectionist or someone who takes criticism to heart

21. Having a hard time admitting mistakes

22. Very sensitive to what people say

23. Always seeking to get noticed

24. Always pointing out people’s mistakes

25. Being highly competitive

26. Only feel good about themselves when they doing better than others

27. Not being able to accept failure

28. Finding fault with others all the time

29. Always exhibiting overbearing rivalry

How to overcome inferiority complex

1. Understand your style

In order to overcome an inferiority complex, it is first important to understand what your personal style is.

This involves taking a close look at the way you think, feel, and behave on a daily basis.

Personal style shows who we are in a way that is completely unique to us and lifts us up to be the best versions of ourselves.

Personal style is an approach, a method, or a technique that you have chosen to best show who you are as a person.

Once you have a good understanding of your own style, you can start to work on improving any areas that may be contributing to your feelings of inferiority.

2. Don’t compare yourself to others

The moment you compare yourself to others, you instantly lower your own self-esteem. It’s easy to compare yourself to others and feel like you’re not good enough.

Comparing yourself to others is a sure-fire way to make yourself feel unhappy and unconfident.

Remember that you are unique and have your own personality, strengths, and weaknesses. Everyone has their own struggles.

It can be really easy to compare yourself to other people and believe that you should be doing more than what they’re doing.

It’s important to remember that everyone has their own set of circumstances and that it’s okay not to do everything the same way as everyone else.

3. Stay positive

The most important lesson I learned from my father was to never let your self-worth be determined by someone else’s perception of you.

I once struggled with an inferiority complex, but by staying positive, focusing on the things that make me happy, and appreciating the people in my life who love and support me, I was able to overcome my inferiority complex and become a more confident person.

Stay positive even when you don’t feel like it, and you will see yourself feeling better.

Another way is by keeping a journal and writing down all the things that make you happy.

When you write down all the things that make you happy, you will realize that there is more to life than what you previously thought.

4. Don’t forget your successes

There are things that you do well each day. They are mostly small. Being on time for work or remembering a friend’s birthday are both great things to do.

Give yourself a pat on the back each day for all the good things you do. It’s not easy to make it through the day. You’re doing much better than you think you are.

Focus on your own positive qualities and accomplishments. rather than comparing yourself to others.

5. Keep an open mind

In order to overcome your inferiority complex, you must keep an open mind and not let what other people say affect how you feel about yourself.

You must be able to see the beauty in every person, no matter their race, gender, or background.

It’s important to remind yourself of this every day, because you never know when someone might say something that will make you feel small.

6. No one pays attention to your flaws

Inferiority comes from thinking that other people don’t think much of you.

Most people aren’t thinking about you at all. Everyone else is too preoccupied with their own problems to care about yours.

You’re not as bad as you think you are. In fact, no one is paying attention to your flaws. They’re too busy worrying about their own.

Stop fixating on what you perceive to be your shortcomings and start living your life. Embrace your imperfections and use them to your advantage.

Turn your perceived weaknesses into strengths and watch yourself soar. 

7. Eliminate Low self-esteem

If you’re feeling inferior to others, it’s important to eliminate the low self-esteem that’s causing this feeling.

You can’t do anything about your physical traits or abilities, so the only thing you can do is change your attitude about yourself.

Focus on all of the things you are good at and all of the things you have accomplished. Remind yourself of all the things that make you unique and special.

The most important thing you can do is to eliminate that low self-esteem and replace it with a healthy sense of worth. If you are constantly thinking negatively about yourself, it’s time to stop and take a step back.

Remember that you deserve the best that life has to offer and that you are more than just a number.

You need to realize that you are worthy of love and respect. You need to have a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly. You also need to have a positive outlook on life and take charge of your destiny.

8. Re-think your perspective on things

Try to ground yourself in reality. It’s easy to get stuck in the mentality that your problems stem from a single, glaring flaw.

People often think that a single perceived flaw is the cause of all their problems. Thinking in terms of all or nothing is dangerous.

Your life will not miraculously improve in every way if you find a boyfriend or girlfriend, lose some weight, or get that nose job.

Develop a more positive outlook on life and see the good in everything, including yourself.

9. Manage your Self-Talk

When you have an inferiority complex, you tend to have low self-esteem and be pessimistic. What you say to yourself can make these feelings worse.

You can say things that make people think you’re not good enough, you can be your own worst critic by saying things that validate your low self-esteem, or you can be your own biggest fan.

You can be your best cheerleader if you always tell yourself how great you are and what you’ve done well. It’s up to you!

Think positively, listen to what you say to yourself, and keep it positive.

10. Have a clear goal in mind

When you have an inferiority complex, it can be difficult to come to terms with your true self and the life you have been living.

It’s easy to feel like you’re not good enough and that there are always better people than you. However, with a clear goal in mind, it can help you overcome the inferiority complex. 

When you have a clear goal in mind, the task seems less daunting and more manageable. Having a goal in mind can help you feel more confident and motivated.

A goal is a commitment to something that you want to achieve, and it should not be something that you don’t want to achieve because this could lead to feelings of anxiety and failure.

For example, if you want to stop procrastinating, set a goal of writing one word every day for one week.

Or if you want to start going to the gym, set a goal of attending two sessions per week for four weeks.

The key is to have a goal in mind that’s challenging but not impossible.

11. Look for affirmation from others

In a world that is full of judgment, it can be hard to feel good about yourself. A lot of people look to others for affirmation and validation.

This can be a good thing, but it can also be a bad thing.

It is important to find balance when looking for affirmation from others. It is okay to seek out support and encouragement from those around you, but you should also learn to validate yourself.

Give yourself credit when you do something well and learn to accept compliments from others graciously.

12. Get rid of negative thoughts

Negative thoughts can be overwhelming and make us feel like we’re not good enough. But we can overcome them by recognizing them for what they are and taking steps to change our thinking.

We can start to change our thinking by looking for evidence that supports our positive qualities.

For example, if we think we’re not smart enough, we can look back on times when we’ve done well in school or at work.

Or if we think nobody likes us, we can remember times when people have gone out of their way to be friendly.

13. Find your inner beauty

When you’re constantly comparing yourself to others, it can be difficult to see your own beauty. Letting go of your insecurities is the key to finding your inner beauty.

You can easily let go of those insecurities by looking in the mirror and seeing who you are, not what you see. You are not the size of your clothes, your weight, or any other physical feature.

It is important to realize that you are unique and beautiful in your own way. it’s important to take a step back and realize that you are still beautiful.

You just need to find your inner beauty and let it shine through.

14. Find an outlet

In order to overcome an inferiority complex, it is important to find an outlet that makes you feel better about yourself. Maybe it is joining a club, going to a class, or trying a new sport.

Find an activity or hobby that makes you feel good about yourself. Doing something that you’re good at or enjoy can help boost your self-esteem and confidence.

The key is to find something that makes you happy and boosts your self-esteem so that you no longer have an inferiority complex.

15. Get social

When it comes to inferiority complex, getting social is one of the best remedies. Here are a few tips on how you can overcome your inferiority complex by getting social: 

  • Get involved in activities and clubs that interest you. When you’re passionate about something, it’s easier to be confident.
  • Talk to people, even if you don’t know them well. A simple conversation can help boost your self-esteem.
  • Don’t compare yourself to others. Everyone is unique and has different strengths and weaknesses. Accepting yourself for who you are is an important step in overcoming your inferiority complex.

16. Therapy

If you want to work through your inferiority complex, psychotherapy is a great place to start. 

When the cause of the problem is treated, the symptoms will get better, and feelings of inferiority will be less of a problem. 

In psychotherapy, also called “talk therapy,” your therapist or a mental health professional can help you work through past experiences with criticism or trauma that may have made you feel bad about yourself.

Your therapist can also counsel you.

Facing the causes of your inferiority complex isn’t always easy, and it can take a while to feel like you’re making progress.

Keep in mind that many people have had inferiority complexes at some point in their lives and that therapy, can help you feel better about yourself again.

Final Thoughts: Push yourself to be better, don’t be like everyone else.

In today’s society, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you’re not good enough.

With social media constantly comparing us to others, it’s no wonder that so many people struggle with the feeling of being inferior.

But it doesn’t have to be this way! You can push yourself to be better, and you don’t have to be like everyone else to do it.

The first step is to acknowledge that you’re feeling inferior.

It’s normal to feel this way from time to time, but if you find that you’re constantly comparing yourself to others and feeling down about it, then it’s time to take action.

Challenge your negative thoughts. Do away with settings that make you feel inferior and task these actionable steps

Remember, everyone is different and unique in their own way. You should focus on being the best version of yourself and not try to be like everyone else.

Chinyelu Karibi-Whyte
About Chinyelu Karibi-Whyte

Chinyelu Karibi-Whyte, the founder of Pheel Pretty, is a dynamic cybersecurity specialist and a passionate advocate for personal growth and resilience. As an empowerment advocate, she combines her tech expertise with her deep commitment to building self-esteem, confidence and a positive mindset. Chinyelu's unique perspective, shaped by her professional background and personal journey, including being a mother, enriches her approach to empowering others. You can follow her on

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