Last updated on January 29th, 2023

What are positive affirmations and how can they help with low self-esteem?
A positive affirmation is a statement that affirms and encourages a positive mindset. For example, “I am worthy of love and respect,” or “I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.”
Positive affirmations can be used to counter negative self-talk and can be particularly helpful for people who struggle with low self-esteem.
When you have low self-esteem, it’s easy to get caught in a cycle of negative thinking. You might focus on your perceived flaws and shortcomings, leading you to feel even worse about yourself.
Positive affirmations can help break this cycle by providing a more balanced and optimistic view of yourself.
Research has shown that positive affirmations can lead to improvements in mood and increased self-esteem.
One study found that participants who repeated positive affirmations felt better about themselves after just one week.
The Power of Positive Affirmations
It is common for people with low self-esteem to have negative thoughts about themselves. These negative thoughts can turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy that makes you feel worse about yourself.
One way to break this cycle is to use positive affirmations.
Positive affirmations are statements that you say to yourself that are positive and uplifting. For example, “I am worthy of love and respect,†or “I am capable of achieving my goals.â€
These statements help to counter the negative thoughts and beliefs that you have about yourself.
The goal of positive affirmations is to change your thinking from negative to positive. This change in thinking can lead to improved self-esteem and increased confidence.
It can also help you to take action towards your goals and make positive changes in your life.
What Causes Low Self-Esteem?

There are many causes of low self-esteem. One cause may be due to a traumatic event or series of events that have happened throughout an individual’s life.
These events could be things like bullying, abuse, or neglect.
Another common cause of low self-esteem is comparing oneself to others. This can be done both positively and negatively.
For example, an individual might compare their success to someone else’s and feel like they don’t measure up, or they might compare their appearance to someone else’s and feel inadequate.
Low self-esteem can also be caused by having unrealistic expectations or standards for oneself.
This could be something like striving for perfectionism in every aspect of one’s life or feeling like you have to be the best at everything you do.
How Damaging Is Low Self-Esteem?
It’s no secret that having low self-esteem can be detrimental to your mental and physical health. But just how damaging is it really?
For starters, low self-esteem can take a toll on your relationships. If you don’t feel good about yourself, it’s tough to let others in and form meaningful connections.
You may find yourself pushing people away or engaging in self-destructive behaviors that sabotage your relationships.
Low self-esteem can also make it difficult to succeed in life. If you don’t believe in yourself, it’ll be hard to accomplish anything.
You might not even bother trying because you’re convinced you’ll fail anyway.
This negative mindset can become a self-fulfilling prophecy and hold you back from reaching your full potential.
Can Affirmations Really Help You Build Your Self Esteem?
The question of whether or not affirmations can help build self esteem is a complicated one.
On the one hand, it seems like they could be helpful in that they provide a person with positive statements about themselves that they can internalize and believe.
On the other hand, some people might find them cheesy or contrived, and thus not helpful at all.
It’s hard to say definitively whether or not affirmations are helpful in building self esteem, but it’s worth considering both the potential benefits and drawbacks before deciding whether or not to use them.
One potential benefit of affirmations is that they can help counter negative self-talk.
If a person is constantly telling themselves negative things, affirming positive statements about themselves can help balance out that negativity.
How Do You Use Affirmations to Boost Self Esteem?
Affirmations are positive statements that can help you challenge and overcome negative thoughts and self-beliefs.
The purpose of using affirmations is to condition your mind to start thinking more positively. This process can help boost your self-esteem and confidence.
To get started with using affirmations, choose one or two that resonate with you and repeat them to yourself throughout the day, either out loud or silently in your head.
It may feel awkward or unnatural at first, but with practice, it will become easier and more natural over time.
You may also want to write them down and keep them in a place where you can see them often, such as on a sticky note on your bathroom mirror or computer screen.
How Often Should You Repeat These Self-Esteem Affirmations?
When it comes to self-esteem affirmations, there is no one-size-fits-all answer.
The number of times you repeat them should be based on what works for you and how often you need to hear them.
If you find that repeating affirmations once a day helps boost your self esteem, then stick with that. If you need more frequent reminders, try repeating them several times throughout the day.
The key is to find a schedule that works for you and that you can stick with.
It’s also important to choose affirmations that resonate with you. Pick ones that address the areas where you struggle with low self esteem.
If you’re not sure where to start, there are plenty of resources available online and in bookstores.
Once you find some affirmations that work for you, make a point to say them out loud on a daily basis.
How to Write Your Own Positive Affirmations
When it comes to having low self-esteem, one of the best things you can do is write your own positive affirmations.
This may seem like a silly task, but it can be incredibly helpful in boosting your self-esteem and overall mood. Here’s how to get started:
1. Figure out what you need to work on. Do you need more confidence? More self-love? Less anxiety? Write down a few areas that you’d like to improve on.
2. Make a list of positive affirmations that reflect those areas. For example, if you’re working on self love, you might write something like “I am worthy of love and respect†or “I am enough just as I am.â€
3. Repeat your affirmations often, both in your head and out loud. Try to do it at least once a day.
4.Pay attention to how you feel when you say them aloud. If they don’t resonate with you, change the words until they do.
5. Keep practicing your affirmations until they become a part of your everyday life.
6. If you’re having a hard time believing your affirmations, try listening to them when you’re in the shower or sitting on the toilet.
If you find yourself rolling your eyes, it’s probably because they’re simply not true for you yet!
7. If you have a hard time believing them, start by replacing the words “I choose to believe” with “I am choosing to believe.”
This way, there’s no pressure for you to believe something that doesn’t feel true. It simply means that you’re choosing to believe it anyway.
66 Affirmations for Self Esteem
Low self-esteem can be a crippling condition that affects all areas of your life. The good news is, there are things you can do to change the way you think and feel about yourself.
One powerful tool is the use of affirmations.
Here are 66 positive affirmations for self-esteem that you can use in your own life:
I am Valuable

I think I’m valuable just the way I am. But I know that more value would be even better, so I work every day to become more valuable.
I know that when I think I’m valuable, other people will too.
I push myself and see myself as a person with a lot of value. I know it’s important to improve how I feel about myself.
I try to be nicer to myself in every way I can.
I pay close attention to my thoughts so I can get rid of any that make me feel bad about myself. I keep an eye on my feelings to make sure I stay in a good place.
I choose to look at myself with kindness. I’m going to be kind to myself. I’m going to give myself a chance.
I do things for myself to show that I deserve love. I sometimes buy myself a gift just because I think I deserve it.
I learn to love myself more. I choose to treat myself like a valuable person. I show more kindness and love to myself.
I’m going to be there for myself. I’m giving myself the credit that I deserve.
Today, I do everything I can to keep myself healthy. I know that the more valuable I think I am, the more other people will think so too.
I Forgive Myself For Past Mistakes

I forgive myself every day for things I’ve done in the past. When I forgive myself more, it’s easier to forgive others.
I know that I can’t change how someone else acts or responds to me, so I have to let go of how their actions turn out.
No matter what I think I deserve, I know that it’s not true that I deserve anything bad that happens to me.
I’m okay with the fact that I’m a flawed person. Perfection is an illusion, and it’s impossible to be perfect. So, I’ve chosen to work on getting better instead.
If I make a mistake, I own up to it, admit it without hesitation, and quickly say I’m sorry. When I do something wrong, I figure out why I did it, accept it, and move on. I let go of the pain that comes from holding on to that feeling.
When I do something similar, I sometimes feel that pain again. When that happens, I remind myself that I’ve already forgiven myself, and I let go of that energy.
I forgive myself for making mistakes because forgiving myself lets me let go of my regrets and move on.
I forgive myself for making decisions based on fear. After something like that, I love myself enough to trust myself again.
Today, I love myself enough to accept that I am human, and I love myself too much to hold on to my feelings about something that happened years ago.
I Love Who I Am

I know myself and like myself.
I have faith in myself and what I can do. I feel better about myself. When I talk to myself, I choose kind and encouraging words. I spend time with my family and friends, who I know I can count on.
I learn more about myself. I look at myself with an open mind. I figure out what I think and how I feel.
I’m proud of my strengths. I’m glad I have a body and a mind. I chose a job that lets me use and improve my skills and talents. I’m proud of the fact that I’m a good parent and a devoted spouse.
I look after my physical, mental, and spiritual health. I put money into myself. I eat healthy food and work out regularly. I deal with stress in a healthy way and try to sleep 8 hours every night.
I speak up for what I need. When I’m having trouble, I ask for help. I set reasonable limits and stand up for what I believe in.
I make goals that are attainable and interesting. I get out of bed every morning ready to take on new challenges. I keep getting better and smarter.
I forgive myself when I don’t do what I should. I try to make progress instead of being perfect. I learn from what I do and see. As long as I keep trying, I will do well.
I like what I see in the mirror right now. I put myself at the top of my list of things to do. I show love and kindness to myself.
I Recognize That I am Worthy

I’m glad that I’ve learned to like myself more. I’m glad I know what I’m worth. I’m thankful to have found my new value.
Now that I value myself more, I’m not afraid to say what’s on my mind. I can let go of my old habits of trying to make everyone happy.
I have done my due diligence. I have been to every class. I have learned from the best. I’ve done all of my work.
I’m thankful for all the lessons I’ve learned from the times when I took less than I deserved just to fit in. I’m glad I now know what I’m worth.
I’m glad I can now see both sides of a situation. I have everything.
As I keep getting better at what I’m good at, my worth and value go up. I do whatever it takes to go above and beyond. I work on projects that are new and interesting. I bring everything I’ve got to the table.
I’m glad I finally know what I’m worth. I’m glad I finally have the confidence to ask for what I deserve.
I’m thankful for all the new chances I’m getting now that I know I’m good enough for them. I have gotten better. I’ve worked for 10,000 hours. I decide what will happen to me.
With my newfound courage, I step into my greatness today. I got rid of my old, worn-out clothes. I put on my new apparel. I am sovereign unto myself.
My Body is Beautiful

My body is healthy and looks great.
I like myself just the way I am. I look at myself in the mirror and talk to myself nicely. I pay attention to the things I like. I tell myself that I’m beautiful on the inside and outside.
I look after my body.
I look over my whole body. I look for places that hurt or feel tight. I use breathing exercises and gentle stretches to calm them down.
I eat a nutritious diet. I choose foods that are high in fibre and don’t cause inflammation. I try to cut back on how much sugar, salt, and saturated fats I eat. Every day, I eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables.
I exercise regularly. I do weight lifting. I run in the park or take a class called “spin.”
I adjust my posture. I train myself to sit or stand with my back straight. I loosen up my shoulders and tighten up my core. I put the same amount of weight on each hip.
I take care of my skin. I drink a lot of water and put on sunscreen every day. I quit smoking. I take short showers and use mild soap to wash. I get enough sleep and can handle stress.
I keep track of what I watch and read. I think about how Instagram and magazine ads make me feel about myself. I look for things that make me feel good and give me ideas.
Today, I am thankful for my body and all it can do. I live in a way that keeps my body healthy and strong.
I Grow in Self-esteem and Confidence

I really believe that I should love myself completely and without any conditions. I learn every day to respect myself and follow my true feelings, whether they are good or bad.
I pay attention to my inner voice, value what my intuition tells me, and am thankful for everything I learn.
I experience unconditional love.
I use the lessons I learn and the new things I learn to make my life better.
I’m fine with saying “no.” Friends, family, and lovers all know where I stand. I chose what makes sense to me. I stand up for myself, know what my values and beliefs are, and say what they are.
When I really know myself, I can decide where and how to put my energy. I decide how I want to spend my time, and I use my resources based on what I think is right.
I make a clear choice. By keeping my power, I can change my mind the way I want to. I don’t mind taking charge and facing difficult situations.
This helps me feel better about myself and more confident, and it teaches me how to take each step on the path of truth and light.
I let go of beliefs that held me back. I let myself get better. I move through the world with a heart that is both strong and full of fun.
Today, I let go of anything that doesn’t make sense for my higher self. I let the past go. I let go of any negative ideas I had about myself and what I could do. I’m in the here and now. I choose to live my life as a person with a lot of power, and I accept myself as I am.
I am Limitless

My success in life is directly linked to how much I believe in myself. When I tell myself I have no limits, I am able to do things I never thought possible.
I think that anything I want to do is possible as long as I have the courage to do it. Keeping in mind what I’ve done well in the past helps me keep my nerve. These ideas help me move forward.
Even if things from the outside threaten the journey, I still think the goal is possible. I find ways to get around those problems and do great things.
I know that I’m more than what I do for a living. My skills, not my work history, are what make me strong. My natural skills can be used in any role I choose to play.
I learn quickly and then use what I’ve learned to get great results.
Fear shows up sometimes, but I put it down with confidence. Fear grows out of doubt, so I deal with it by showing proof of my skills and successes.
When I think about what I’ve done well, I feel more confident in myself.
I can overcome any limit that is set by outside standards of what is right. I tell the truth about what I can do and get ready to face challenges.
Today, the only limits I have to deal with are the ones I put on myself. No matter what other people say, I choose to think of myself as strong. My self-assurance and past accomplishments speak for themselves. My past successes will help me reach my next goal.
Self-affirmations are a powerful tool that can help improve self-esteem and confidence.
By regularly repeating positive affirmations, we can program our mind to focus on the positive aspects of ourselves and our lives.
This, in turn, can lead to improved mental health and well-being. However, affirmations are not a magic pill that can immediately transform our lives.
Like with all things in life, it takes time, effort, and patience to reap the rewards of self-affirmation.
There is no shortcut to success. It takes effort, determination, and dedication to succeed. But the rewards are worth it.
So if you’re looking for a way to boost your self-esteem, start using affirmations today!
I hope you enjoyed this post on self-affirmations and how they can help us achieve our goals.
If you have any comments or questions, please leave a message below!