How to Stop Letting Things Bother You and Live Stress-free in 2023

Last updated on March 13th, 2023

How to stop letting things bother you

white and black i am a good day card

It’s about learning to let things go and not really worry about the small things. We all have things that bother us, but we need to learn how to not let things get to us so much.

It’s easy to get caught up in the drama and stress of our lives, and it starts to take its toll.

We start to lose focus on the things that really matter, and we start to really bother ourselves, get upset, and have bad days.

In this article, we will explore how to stop letting things bother you and live a stress-free life in 2023.

We will discuss why it is important to let go of things that bother you and how to do it effectively. We will also provide some tips on how to become less bothered by things. 

What is the Cost of Letting the little Things Bother Us?

When we allow things to bother us, we are actually costing ourselves. These are a few different ways that this happens:

  • We lose focus on the things that are important. We end up spending less time on the things that are important to us, and we miss out on opportunities.
  • We get stressed and our bodies react in strange and harmful ways.
  • We feel and start to feel like we’re responsible for everything that goes wrong in our lives.

What are the benefits of not letting things bother you so much?

 There are many benefits to letting things bother you. Here are a few:

  • You will become more productive. When we are constantly stressed, we don’t have the energy to do our best work.

  • You will become more organized and establish some sort of daily or weekly routine that will help you stay on track. This might include writing down your plans, setting time limits for tasks, or committing to a certain amount of time every day for tasks that are important to you.

  • You will feel better. When we aren’t stressed, we tend to feel happier and more content.

  • You will be less likely to get sick. When we are stressed, our immune systems are weakened, which is why we are more likely to get sick.

  • You will have less conflict in your life. When something bothers us, it becomes easy to fight with people or argue with them. But when things don’t bother us, its much easier to compromise and get along with others.

  • You will learn to let go of things quicker. You will learn to let go more easily. When we don’t allow things to bother us, we are actually preventing them from bothering us in the future. This may seem like a difficult task at first, but with practice, it becomes easier and easier.
brown wooden blocks on white surface
  • You will learn to forgive yourself. When we carry around negative emotions like anger and resentment, it becomes much harder to forgive ourselves for anything. Try to spend some time each day forgiving yourself for the things that bother you and focusing on the positive aspects of your life.

  • You will learn to live in the present moment. When we are constantly worrying about the past or future, we often lose touch with what is happening right now. This can lead to problems such as missed opportunities or oversimplified views of the world around us. To avoid these problems, try to focus on the present moment as much as possible and pay attention to what is actually happening in front of you.

  • You will become more focused. Stressed people are less productive, tend to be sicker, and have more conflict in their lives. By following these steps, you will be able to stop letting things bother you and instead be more productive, happy, and able to resolve conflicts.

  • You will become more creative. When we are bogged down by stress, we often don’t have time to think outside the box or come up with new ideas. To prevent this from happening, try to find ways to relax and allow your creativity to flourish. This might include taking a creative writing class, painting, or hiking.

  • You will become more positive. When we are constantly worried or stressed, it becomes much harder to be positive. To become more positive, try to focus on the good aspects of your life and look for opportunities to celebrate instead of dwelling on the negative.

  • You will become more relaxed. When we are stressed, our bodies react in a number of ways. Some of these reactions include an increase in heart rate, a decrease in blood flow, and a decrease in blood sugar. To become more relaxed, try and do things that will relax your body, such as reading, taking a relaxing bath, or spending time with friends.

How to Stop Letting Things Bother You

sitting woman in white robe looking at mountains during daytime

So how do you stop letting things bother you?

There is no one perfect way to stop letting things bother you, but there are a few key steps that can help:

1. Make a list of the things that bother you.

This may include things like stressors at work, family arguments, or problems with your loved ones.

Once you’ve made a list of what bothers you, try to divide them into smaller categories so you can deal with them more easily and one at a time.

2. Recognize when you’re reacting to something instead of thinking about it

When something bothers us, often the first thing that happens is our emotions take over.

This means that instead of thinking about the situation logically or objectively, we react emotionally.

Try to take some time each day to step back from the situation and think about it objectively.

Doing this will help you make more informed decisions and move past your emotional reactions more easily.

3. Set boundaries with people who bother you

Sometimes people who bother us just want attention or approval, but sometimes they’re actually trying to hurt or damage our lives in some way.

If someone is bothering you consistently, doing annoying things and its not really helping either of your relationships, try setting boundaries with them and telling them that their behavior isn’t acceptable.

4. Talk about your problems

Keeping problems bottled up inside can lead to stress and anxiety, both of which are unpleasant sensations.

Instead of keeping everything bottled up inside, try and talk about your problems with someone who will understand.

This could be a friend, family member, therapist, or another loved one. Talking about your problems can help relieve some of the stress that is causing them in the first place.

5. Let go of negative thoughts

When we are constantly worrying or stressing about something, it’s easy for negative thoughts to creep into our minds.

These negative thoughts often exaggerate the dangers of the situation or create unrealistic expectations about how quickly things will improve.

Instead of letting these negative thoughts dictate our mood, try to challenge them instead. When we are able to do this, we can start to build a more positive mindset and view the situation in a more positive light.

woman jumping on green mountains

Practical Ways To Stop Letting Little Things Bother You

Live life on your own terms

If you’re tired of letting things bother you, it’s time to start living life on your own terms. Rethink your life philosophy. After all, you should be living on your own terms, not according to what others think or say.

1. Stop Worrying! Almost no one actually cares

It might help to remind yourself that almost no one actually cares. In the grand scheme of things, most people are too wrapped up in their own lives to bother with your petty problems.

Most people do not care about what others are doing. It seems that we believe that others care about what we are doing, how well we are doing, and why we are doing it from the time we enter school until the day we say goodbye to life.

In reality, most people have other concerns that take priority. Thus, let go of other people’s opinions. So take a deep breath and let it go. 

2. The smoke clears quickly

Once the smoke has cleared, people will quickly move on to other things. It’s easy to get bogged down by the day-to-day stresses of life, but it’s important to remember that people will quickly move on from whatever is bothering you.

Even if you cause a stir with your divorce, affair, job loss, or nose job, people will quickly forget about it and move on with their lives.

So don’t let the little things get to you – focus on the bigger picture and keep moving forward.

3. No matter what you do, you will always have people who approve and those who don’t

For example, you may get compliments on your new car from some people. However, others may think it’s a frivolous purchase and look down on you.

Another example, if you lose 50 pounds, some will say congratulations while others may say you look unhealthy and should see a doctor.

The truth is, no matter what good deed you do, there will always be someone who is unhappy with it.

For example, if you adopt a cat instead of a dog, someone may tell you that you should have gotten a dog.

The bottom line is, no matter what you do in life, someone will always have something negative to say.

4. Just understand that you can’t please everyone

If you’re constantly trying to make everyone happy, you’ll only end up making yourself miserable.

Just do your best and be true to yourself, and understand that not everyone is going to be pleased all the time.

5. They don’t know you 

It is important to remember that other people do not know you as well as you know yourself.

While their opinions may be valuable, ultimately you are the only one who knows what is best for you. Trust your own judgment and instincts when making decisions.

No one knows what is best for you. You can’t even figure that out for yourself half of the time, but you have a better idea than your cubicle mate at work.

Others don’t know you well enough to have a valid opinion.

6. Deal with the end result, good or bad

The consequences of your choices are your responsibility. The bad choices you make are yours to clean up.

The good results you receive in life are yours to enjoy. Make your own decisions, because you’re alone in dealing with the consequences.

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7. Life is short

It’s important to live your life the way you want to. The years can go by quickly, especially as you get older. Make sure to enjoy each day and make the most of it.

8. It gets easier

It becomes easier to make decisions without taking others into consideration. As a result, it becomes easier to not care about what others think.

How Can We Change Our Mindset So That We Don’t Let Things Get to Us?

When we are constantly bothered by things, it can become difficult to live a normal life.

This is because we have become used to reacting to things in a certain way, and when that way no longer works, we become stressed.

To change our mindset so that we don’t let things bother us,

  • We need to start by recognizing the patterns that have been created over time. Once we have identified these patterns, we can begin to change them or adapt them to better suit our individual situation.
  • Start to connect with our intuition to understand what is really important to us.
  • Take a step back. Sometimes, it’s helpful to take a step back and look at things from a different perspective.
  • Be patient. Sometimes, it’s helpful to be patient and not react immediately.

Conclusion: Stop Letting the little things make you get upset

We have identified the benefits and dangers of letting things bother you, and we have outlined the steps you need to take to start letting them go.

By following these simple steps, we can start to live a more stress-free life. 

What methods have you found to be successful in dealing with things that bother you? We’d love to hear from you.

Chinyelu Karibi-Whyte
About Chinyelu Karibi-Whyte

Chinyelu Karibi-Whyte, the founder of Pheel Pretty, is a dynamic cybersecurity specialist and a passionate advocate for personal growth and resilience. As an empowerment advocate, she combines her tech expertise with her deep commitment to building self-esteem, confidence and a positive mindset. Chinyelu's unique perspective, shaped by her professional background and personal journey, including being a mother, enriches her approach to empowering others. You can follow her on

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