Last updated on February 6th, 2023

It’s no secret that negative thoughts and a negative mindset can be detrimental to our happiness and success in life.
After all, if we are constantly thinking about all the ways things could go wrong, it’s tough to stay positive and motivated.
Negative thinking can be a true struggle. Sometimes they run around and around in your head, and they can do a lot of damage, even to the subconscious mind.
Sometimes they can be very contagious, and to others, they can just be really annoying.
Negative thoughts can lead to negativity in behavior, or at least a negative attitude. They can cause us to not only bother those around us, but also ourselves.
This is why it is so important to be positive. It helps us release negative thoughts and makes us feel good about ourselves in the process.
It is so important to have a few go-to affirmations on hand to help let go of negative mindsets, thoughts, and beliefs when they pop up.
Here are 52 of the best positive affirmations to release those pesky negative thinking for good!
1. I’m not my thoughts; I am what I choose to think.
2. It is better to conquer my thoughts than to win a thousand battles.
3. Victory is mine and it cannot be taken from me.
4. I choose to focus on what I want and not what I don’t want.
5. I am the creator of my own destiny.
6. I am worth it. I find the best in myself and others.
7. I am here to shine.
8. I always have the best ideas.
9. I see the good in all things, people and situations.
10. I love the world around me, and it loves me back.

11. I am a powerful creator.
12. I let go of what no longer serves me and welcome in abundance and prosperity.
13. I have all that I need.
14. I am a magnet for success.
15. Everything is working together for my highest good.
16. Every day, in every way, it’s getting better and better.
17. I am a match for the best in life.
18. I am a magnet for abundance and prosperity.
19. The universe is working with me, not against me.
20. I am grateful for all that I have in my life.

21. I am enough just as I am.
22. I look forward to the best in each day, and they come to me with ease.
23. I am a magnet for all that is good.
24. Life flows easily and happily.
25. I am grateful for all that I have in my life.
26. I am a match for the best in life. I am grateful for all that I have in my life.
27. There is no room for anything but love and gratitude in my mind.
28. The best of life is happening now!
29. I stop thinking negatively.
30. My life is peaceful.

31. I reprogram my state of mind.
32. I’ve noticed that when I get rid of a thought, it may come back. If it does, I can catch it right away and replace it with a better one.
33. I figure out how to deal with negative thoughts by asking myself why I should pay attention to them. Then, I talk to myself in a positive way to help me stay on task.
34. I ask myself if there’s any proof to back up the negative claim. If there isn’t, I let go of the negative thought and let go of my fear of the unknown.
35. It’s important that I learn something new every day, and I can always get better.
36. Positive self-talk helps me keep my mind on the good things.
37. I’m proud of my efforts to keep my mind on the good.
38. If I start to think negatively again, I remind myself that I can choose to change my mind and think positive about the good things.
39. I keep my feet on the ground by practising gratitude and self-love every day.
40. I live in the here and now.

41. My mind is a powerful tool.
42. Every day, I am thankful and pay close attention to the good things in my life.
43. I love myself for everything I’ve done so far, and I’m happy with what I have right now.
44. I can choose whether or not to make the most of opportunities.
45. I manifest greatness.
46. I have control over my future and am responsible for my thoughts in the present.
47. I believe that I will achieve great things today.
48. I have confidence in my skills and am ready to do anything.
49. I feel confident in my abilities, and I am ready to accomplish anything.
50. I am brimming with energy and overflowing with joy.
51. I banish negative beliefs.
52. I receive kindness from the universe.
How to Deal with Negative Thoughts That Keep Coming Back
Do you ever get stuck in a cycle of bad thoughts? Maybe you can’t stop thinking about something that went wrong or you’re obsessed with the mistake you made.
When these thoughts keep coming back to you, it’s hard to pay attention to anything else. There are ways to deal with having the same bad thoughts over and over.
Here are some useful ways to deal with your negative thoughts that keep coming back:
1. Pay attention to what you’re thinking
Keeping track of your thoughts is one of the most important things you can do. It means that you are aware of what you’re thinking and how it makes you feel.
When you notice yourself thinking negatively or obsessively, try to acknowledge it without succumbing to it.
It will help you get out of the thought spiral and start gaining some control over your thoughts.
Keep a journal of your thoughts. It can help you become more aware of your thoughts and habits.
Every day, write down all of your negative or obsessive thoughts. Once you’ve written them down, try to put them in a more positive or realistic light.
For example, if you’re obsessing over a mistake you made, you could write something like, “It’s normal to make mistakes sometimes. Everyone makes mistakes.”
Write down what you’re thinking. It can be helpful to keep track of your negative thoughts over time. This can help you notice patterns and figure out what makes you feel bad.
2. Try to change your bad thoughts.

Once you become more aware of your negative thoughts, you can challenge them.
It means looking at the evidence for and against your ideas and thinking about how true or accurate they are.
For example, if you’re stuck in a negative thought spiral about something that went wrong at work, ask yourself if there’s any evidence to support your thought.
You might say things like, “I only made one mistake, and it wasn’t a big deal,” or “I learned from what happened, and I’ll do better next time.”
Move forward. Sometimes, taking action is the best way to deal with bad thoughts.
If you keep thinking about something you can’t change, like a mistake you made in the past, it might help to do something useful instead.
For example, you could finish a project you’ve been putting off, learn something new, improve your knowledge or spend time with friends and family.
Repeat positive things to yourself. Along with taking action and questioning your negative thoughts, you can also try positive affirmations.
These are simple phrases that you can say to yourself out loud or in your head to help you feel more confident.
Use positive affirmations like, “I can reach my goals.” “I deserve to be loved and admired.” “I am strong.” “I can overcome any obstacle.”
3. Set achievable goals.
Setting goals that you can reach is another good way to deal with bad thoughts.
It can help you feel like you have more control and boost your self-esteem, making it easier to stop thinking about bad things.
â— Be specific.
Set a specific goal like “I will join an exercise class twice a week” instead of a vague resolution like “I want to be happier.”
Set goals that are doable. When setting goals, it’s important to be realistic, because having unrealistic expectations can lead to frustration and disappointment.
Think about how much time you have, how much money you have, what skills you have, and other things to come up with reasonable goals you can reach.
â— Start small.
If you can’t seem to stick to your goals, start small and work your way up.
For example, if your goal is to work out for 30 minutes every day, you might start by working out for 10 minutes and add up the time you spend working out.
â— Make a plan.
Once you’ve set your goals, it’s helpful to make a plan for how you’ll reach them.
It could mean breaking down bigger goals into smaller steps and making a timeline or schedule so you know what needs to be done and when.
4. See a therapist.
If you can’t seem to stop having bad thoughts, it might help to talk to a therapist.
A therapist can help you understand your thoughts and patterns and give you tools and methods for dealing with them.
If you think seeing a therapist could help, talk to your doctor or do some online research to find one in your area.
Seeing a therapist can help in many ways.
Therapy can help you figure out where your negative thoughts come from, recognize thought patterns or triggers, and come up with new ways to deal with them.
Therapy can also give you a safe place to deal with hard feelings, work through hard situations, and get help when things are tough.
Working with a therapist can help you learn to be more self-aware, kind to yourself, and strong.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of therapy that can help you deal with negative thoughts. CBT is all about changing how you think about and react to things.
There are many ways to deal with negative thoughts, such as telling yourself positive things, setting goals that you can reach, or going to see a therapist.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one of the best ways to deal with negative thoughts because it focuses on changing your thoughts and actions.
Even though dealing with negative thoughts can be hard, it’s important to remember that you have the power to control your thoughts and choose how you want to react to them.
With effort and practice, you can develop healthy coping mechanisms that work for you and help you live a more positive, happier, and fulfilling life.

Final Thoughts – Affirmations for Negative Thoughts
Every day, we are bombarded by numerous images, voices, and sounds in our heads. It can be difficult to keep those negative thoughts from creeping in and getting the best of us!
Negative thoughts can be a hard thing to deal with, but it can be done.
The key is to find healthy ways to release negative thoughts in order to move forward. If you’re feeling a little stuck, or like you’re losing your way, use positive statements.
These 52 positive affirmations to release negative thoughts should help.
Remember to use the affirmations to turn those negative thoughts into positive affirmation.
That is why we created this article on positive affirmations, as they have the ability to help you release those negative thoughts and reinforce positive thinking.
At Pheelpretty we understand that everyone has their own unique struggles. We hope that acknowledging these struggles can be a little easier for you, and that these affirmations can provide the extra support you need.